Thanks to all of our impact partners

Thanks to all of our impact partners we are able to share some really great updates with you! 

We began to receive calls from various agencies locally and throughout California in regards to women in dangerous and high risk situations who needed immediate extraction, relocation, and safe housing. These agencies had been anticipating our opening and so without beds to provide these ladies, we began to improvise and in no time at all a new direct service immerged. BTC’s new R.R.R Service (rescue, relocate, and restore), was all thanks to the private funding that allowed us to operate quickly and freely, without the constraints of government funding. This potentially saved the lives of 5 young women, who without this service may have not have been so fortunate. Incredibly we can honestly say that currently 3 of the ladies and 1 juvenile are still safe, continuing to abstain from that lifestyle, and are currently receiving case management services from not only BTC, but also from several other organizations we are currently collaborating with. We are currently assisting 6 women with non-residential case management services which consists of weekly check-ins, resource referrals, and counseling services. The house is still in the remodeling process and was held up temporarily by the county permit process, however this is a small hurdle and we foresee opening in early 2016, this outcome has far exceeded our expectations and original vision and we are confident that this is only the beginning. 

                The best part of all of this is that we have NOT had to turn away even 1 lady!

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